Directions for Using the Lab Report Template:

  1. Follow the prompts to input your data and observations into each section of the lab report.
  2. Save your lab report frequently using the save button at the bottom of the page.
  3. When finished, click the “Save as PDF” button to download a PDF version of your report.
Interactive Lab Report

Lab Report Template


Scientific Question

What question does your experiment answer? A scientific question is specific and measurable.


What do you predict will happen in your experiment? A hypothesis is an educated guess based on observations and existing knowledge.


Describe the steps so that others can replicate your experiment.

Variables and Constants

Qualitative Data

Describe your qualitative observations. Qualitative data is descriptive and includes characteristics that cannot be counted or measured.

Quantitative Data

Quantitative data is data that can be counted or measured. It includes numbers, measurements, and anything that can be given a numerical value.

Graph Maker


State your claim in response to the scientific question.

Provide specific pieces of evidence to support your claim.

Explain logically how the evidence supports the claim, linking scientific principles or concepts to the claim and evidence.

This Lab Report Template is designed to guide students through the process of designing and documenting their own scientific experiments. It serves as a scaffold, providing structure and support to ensure students include all essential components of the scientific method.


How Teachers Can Use It:

  • Guidance: Use the template to teach students the steps of scientific inquiry, from asking questions to communicating results.
  • Consistency: Ensure all students follow a standard format, making assessment straightforward and comprehensive.
  • Skill Development: Help students develop critical skills in planning investigations, analyzing data, and constructing arguments using CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning).

Encouraging Independent Experimentation:

  • Introduce Gradually: Start with the template to build students’ confidence and understanding of the scientific process.
  • Foster Independence: Gradually reduce reliance on the template as students become more familiar with designing and conducting experiments.
  • Promote Creativity: Encourage students to modify and adapt the template to fit the specific needs of their experiments as they gain experience.

This approach ensures students have a strong foundation in scientific inquiry while promoting the skills needed to conduct independent experiments in the future.