ESS2-6 Bell Ringers

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Hurricane (spinning counter-clockwise) and Cyclone (spinning clockwise)
Why do you think hurricanes and cyclones spin?
How does the rotation of a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere compare to that of a cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere?

Common Misconceptions

Additional Resources

How do melting glaciers and icebergs, which are made of fresh (salt-free) water, affect the salinity (saltiness) of the ocean?
Why do you think scientists are closely monitoring the salinity of the ocean?
Map of world's ocean currents
What do you think is transported by ocean currents globally?
Make a list that incudes at least 5 items.

Common Misconceptions


Map of Earth's Currents and Model of Spinning Earth
How do you think the Earth's spin affects the way the ocean water moves?

Common Misconceptions


Additional Resources

TedEd Video: New Tab

Map of world's ocean currents and model of spinning Earth
How do you think Earth's ocean currents would be different if Earth did not spin?

Common Misconceptions


Additional Resources

TedEd Video: New Tab

Map showing the surface and subsurface ocean currents.
Explain the differences you think exist between surface and subsurface ocean currents.

Common Misconceptions


Additional Resources

TedEd Video: New Tab

Write down everything you observe in this video.

How do you think this simulates what happens in oceans?

Common Misconceptions

  • Ocean currents are mainly caused by the wind.

Additional Resources

TedEd Video: New Tab

NOAA: New Tab

Hawaii has mild temperatures that range from 70 degrees F and 80 degrees F.
Why do think Hawaii has mild temperatures throughout the year?

Common Misconceptions

Additional Resources

Crash Course Kids Video: New Tab