LSS1-4 Bell Ringers

LSS1-4: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
Characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures that increase the odds of reproduction

Beautiful puffy dandelion and flying seeds against blue sky on sunny day

What specialized structures of a dandelion increase its odds of reproduction?

Explain why dandelions can spread very quickly.

Close-up photo of a Honey Bee gathering nectar and

What specialized structures of the white cherry tree blossom increase its odds of reproduction?

During the winter months, humpback whales leave their feeding grounds in cold waters and migrate to warmer waters near the equator for breeding and calving.

During the summer months, humpback whales migrate back to the colder waters near the poles to feed.

Credit: Ron Watkins / Ocean Image Bank

How does the migration of humpback whales increase their odds of reproduction?

Coral can reproduce sexually by releasing gametes (reproductive cells) into water during mass spawning events.  They can also reproduce asexually by through budding, where a single coral polyp is divided into two or more genetically identical offspring.

Here a coral with polyps exposed releases sperm into the water

Explain why it’s an advantage for coral to be able to reproduce sexually and asexually.

School of thousands of fish
Credit: Jeff Hester / Ocean Image Bank Download

Why do you think fish swim in big schools like shown in the image above?

How does this behavior increase the odds that the fish population will thrive?

Close-up of Blue Robin Eggs in a Nest in a Tree
Close-up of Blue Robin Eggs in a Nest in a Tree
Baby Robins in Nest

What do robin parents do to increase the odds that its offspring survive?

Kangaroos give birth to relatively undeveloped young. At birth, a kangaroo joey is only about the size of a jellybean, and its eyes, ears, and limbs are not fully developed.

Kangaroo and Joey

Why do you think a kangaroo mother carries her young joey in her pouch?

How does this increase the odds that the young joey will grow up strong and healthy?