Graph Makers

The Graph Maker tools currently do not support cell phones.

Select the graphs to see them enlarged.  Select the buttons to create your own graph or use the lab report template.

Simple Line Graph

Use a line graph when you want to show how something changes over time or with different amounts. For example, you can use a line graph to show how tall a plant gets each day or how much a rubber band stretches with different weights. Line graphs help you see patterns and trends in your data.

Line Graph with Multiple Data Sets

This type of graph lets you compare more than one group over time or with different amounts. For example, you can use it to compare the average temperatures of two different cities throughout the year.

Bar Graph

This type of graph lets you compare different categories.  For example, you can use it to compare the number of different types of birds seen at a park.

Bar Graph with Multiple Data Sets

This type of bar graph lets you compare multiple sets of data across the same categories.  For example, you can compare the favorite fruits of the students in different classes.

Pie Chart

A pie chart shows parts of a whole.  It’s like cutting a pie into slices to see how each piece compares to the whole pie.  For example, you can show the composition of air.  

graph penguin

Lab Report Template

The Lab Report Template helps students organize and present scientific experiments by guiding them through asking questions, planning investigations, graphing and analyzing data, engaging in argument using CER, and communicating findings. Follow the prompts to input data and observations, save frequently, and download the completed report as a PDF for easy submission.