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Mode Earth-Sun-Moon System
Describe cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons
- Draw and describe a model of our solar system.
- How many stars are in our solar system?
- Why can we only see lots of stars at night?
- List what we can see in the sky on a clear night.
- What causes shooting stars?
- What is the source of the moon's light?
- When can we see the moon?
- What causes the phases of the moon?
- What causes a solar eclipse?

Common Misconceptions
- The Earth is sitting on something.
- There are many stars in our solar system.
- Some stars are closer to Earth than some planets in our solar system.
- Our solar system only includes the sun, planet, and our moon.
- The Earth is the center of the solar system.
Common Misconceptions
- There are many stars in our solar system.
- Some stars are closer to Earth than some planets in our solar system.
- The sun is not a star.

Include a diagram as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- Stars stop shining during the day.
- The position of the stars in our sky does not change.
- The sun is not a star.
- Our solar system contains many stars.
- Planets can only be viewed with a telescope.

Draw a picture that includes the items on your list.
Common Misconceptions
- Stars stop shining during the day.
- The position of the stars in our sky does not change.
- Our solar system contains many stars.
- Planets can only be viewed with a telescope.
- The moon makes its own light.

Describe what shooting stars are made from and their size.
Explain why they emit light.
Common Misconceptions
- Shooting stars are stars.
Additional Resources

Include a labeled diagram as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- The moon makes its own light.
- The Earth is the source of the moon’s light.
- Different countries see different phases of the moon on the same day.

Can we ever see the moon during the day?
Can we always see it on a clear night?
Include at least one diagram as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- You can only see the moon at night.
- The moon is always visible on a clear night.
- The moon makes its own light.
- The phases of the moon are caused by Earth’s shadow on the moon.
- The moon takes one day to orbit Earth.
- Different countries see different phases of the moon on the same day.

Include a drawing of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- You can only see the moon at night.
- The moon is always visible on a clear night.
- The moon makes its own light.
- The phases of the moon are caused by Earth’s shadow on the moon.
- The moon takes one day to orbit Earth.
- Different countries see different phases of the moon on the same day.

Common Misconceptions
- Being born within 6 months of a solar eclipse means you will have bad health.
- Pregnant women should stay inside during a solar eclipse because of the solar eclipse emits harmful radiation.
- A solar eclipse means that something bad is about to happen.
- There are no solar eclipses at the north and south poles.

Include a diagram with your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- Being born within 6 months of a solar eclipse means you will have bad health.
- Pregnant women should stay inside during a solar eclipse because of the solar eclipse emits harmful radiation.
- A solar eclipse means that something bad is about to happen.
- There are no solar eclipses at the north and south poles.

Draw a diagram that shows the positions of the Earth, sun, and moon during a lunar eclipse.
Common Misconceptions
- A lunar eclipse causes bad omens.
- A lunar eclipse releases negative energy into the world.
- The lunar eclipse is caused by the moon’s shadow on the earth.

Where is the sun at night?
Include a diagram as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- Clouds covering up the sun cause day and night.
- The sun moves behind Earth at night.
- Earth goes around the sun once a day.
- Day and night are caused by the Sun going around the Earth.
- 1 day is exactly 24 hours (it’s actually 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds)

Include a labeled drawing as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- Seasons are caused by the Earth’s distance from the sun.
- The amount of daylight increases each day of the summer.

Why or Why not?
Provide an explanation of why your believe everywhere on Earth does or does not have all four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter).
Include a diagram as part of your explanation.
Common Misconceptions
- The South Pole is hot.
- The farther south you go on Earth, the hotter it gets.
- Everywhere on Earth has 4 seasons.

Include a diagram as part of your explanation of why the South Pole has the temperatures it does.
Common Misconceptions
- The South Pole is hot.
- The farther south you go on Earth, the hotter it gets.
Additional Resources

Write down any thoughts you have and include at least one diagram.
Common Misconceptions
- The Earth is flat.
- We can only know that the Earth is round by going to space.
Additional Resources

Write down any thoughts you have and include at least one diagram.
Common Misconceptions
- Stars go around the Earth.
- The Earth is flat.
- We can only know that the Earth is round by going to space.